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Headword: *)epi/salos
Adler number: epsilon,2557
Translated headword: sea-tossed
Vetting Status: high
[Meaning] unstable, easily-moved.[1]
"And as their hopes of safety had become sea-tossed, they withdrew from the town."[2]
Greek Original:
*)epi/salos: a)be/baios, eu)meta/ptwtos. e)pisa/lwn te tw=n th=s swthri/as e)lpi/dwn genome/nwn au)toi=s, e)cexw/roun tou= a)/steos.
The headword adjective is in the masculine nominative singular; this is presumably generated by the genitive plural in the quotation given.
[1] Likewise (twice over) in ps.-Zonaras.
[2] Theophylact Simocatta, Histories 6.5.5-6; on the citizens of Thracian Drizipera (Drizipara, Drousipara; near the modern-day town of Büyükkarıştıran in European Turkey; Barriongton Atlas map 52 grid B2), under a week-long siege by the Avars in 593; cf. de Boor (228) and Whitby (165). The abridgment by the Suda and ps.-Zonaras is misleading. Whereas the lexicographers here transmit e)cexw/roun tou= a)/steos, Simocatta in fact reads ei)s e)pi/plaston qra/sos e)foi/thsan: "they resorted to a false audacity". The citizens executed a feigned sally from the city gates, and it was the Avars that subsequently withdrew from Drizipera; cf. Whitby (165, notes 27-28). On the Avars see generally alpha 18 note.
C. de Boor, ed., Theophylacti Simocattae Historiae, (Leipzig 1887, reprint 2022)
M. Whitby and M. Whitby, eds. and trans., The History of Theophylact Simocatta, (Oxford 1986)
Keywords: definition; ethics; geography; historiography; history; imagery; military affairs
Translated by: Catharine Roth on 20 November 2007@01:25:14.
Vetted by:
David Whitehead (another keyword; tweaks and cosmetics) on 20 November 2007@03:18:32.
David Whitehead on 17 October 2012@09:45:22.
Catharine Roth (coding) on 9 September 2014@23:32:43.
David Whitehead (added more notes) on 30 January 2016@10:50:47.
Ronald Allen (expanded n.2, added bibliography and cross-reference) on 5 March 2025@11:34:56.


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