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Search results for delta,368 in Adler number:
Adler number: delta,368
Translated headword: fear of the gods, piety, superstition
Vetting Status: high
Translation: [Meaning] discretion in regard to the divine, timidity, doubt concerning the faith.[1]
Also [sc. attested is the related adjective]
deisidai/mwn ["god-fearing"], as if afraid. The Apostle [says]: "men of
Athens, I see that you are rather god-fearing." Meaning pious.[2]
Crito in the
Getica says: "the kings of the Getae, inducing in them fear of the gods and concord by means of deceit and magic are already aiming at great things."[3]
Polybius of
Megalopolis says concerning
Timaeus: "he demonstrated great cleverness and audacity in accusing his neighbors, but in his own denials he is full of dreams and marvels and unreliable stories and in short of ignoble superstition and old wives' tales."[4]
Asclepiodotus was holy and pious and at first he had become so scrupulous and cautious that he did not dare even to offer sacrifice or to hear any secret word; for [he thought] that these were not appropriate for fleshly beings but only for Olympus and those who are believed to live on Olympus."[5]
Piety happens to be the mean between impiety and superstition.[6]
Untimely free speech is superstition.[7]
"For as Pyrrhus was stealing the money of Persephone he said jokingly, 'Untimely piety is superstition, and gathering up wealth without effort is good counsel'."[8]
Greek Original:*deisidaimoni/a: eu)la/beia peri\ to\ qei=on, deili/a, a)mfiboli/a peri\ th\n pi/stin. kai\ *deisidai/mwn, oi(onei\ dedoikw/s. o( *)apo/stolos: a)/ndres *)aqhnai=oi, w(s deisidaimoneste/rous u(ma=s qewrw=. a)nti\ tou= qeosebei=s. kai\ *kri/twn e)n toi=s *getikoi=s fhsin: oi( de\ basilei=s tw=n *getw=n a)pa/th| kai\ gohtei/a| deisidaimoni/an kai\ o(mo/noian au)toi=s e)nergasa/menoi mega/lwn h)/dh e)fi/entai. kai\ *polu/bios o( *megalopoli/ths peri\ *timai/ou fhsi/n: ou(=tos ga\r e)n me\n tai=s tw=n pe/las kathgori/ais pollh\n e)pifai/nei deino/thta kai\ to/lman, e)n de\ tai=s i)di/ais a)pofa/sesin e)nupni/wn kai\ tera/twn kai\ mu/qwn a)piqa/nwn kai\ sullh/bdhn deisidaimoni/as a)gennou=s kai\ teratei/as gunaikw/dous e)sti\ plh/rhs. o(/ti *)asklhpio/dotos o(/sios h)=n kai\ eu)sebh\s kai\ ta\ me\n prw=ta deisidai/mwn e)gego/nei kai\ eu)labh\s ou(/tws sfo/dra w(/ste mh/te qu/ein a)ne/xesqai mh/te tino\s a)porrh/tou mhdeno\s a)kou/ein: ou) ga\r ei)=nai tau=ta th=s gene/sews a)/cia, a)lla\ tou= *)olu/mpou kai\ tw=n e)n *)olu/mpw| diazh=n h(goume/nwn. o(/ti h( eu)se/beia me/sh tugxa/nei a)sebei/as kai\ deisidaimoni/as. o(/ti deisidaimoni/a h( a)/kairos parrhsi/a. o( *pu/rros ga\r sulw=n ta\ xrh/mata th=s *fersefo/nhs e)piskw/yas e)/fh: h( a)/kairos qeose/beia deisidaimoni/a e)sti/, kai\ to\ sulle/cai plou=ton a)/ponon eu)bouli/a.
[1] cf.
delta 369.
Acts of the Apostles 17.22.
[3] FGrH 200 F7.
Polybius 12.24.
Life of Isidore fr.202 Zintzen (119 Asmus).
[6] Quotation not identified by Adler but identifiable via the TLG as
Didymus Caecus,
On Genesis 27.
[7] Quotation unidentifiable.
[8] Appian,
Samnitica 12.4; cf.
pi 3232.
Keywords: biography; Christianity; definition; economics; ethics; geography; historiography; history; military affairs; philosophy; religion
Translated by: Catharine Roth on 18 May 2005@15:56:47.
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