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Headword: *au)/eis
Adler number: alpha,4420
Translated headword: you call
Vetting Status: high
[sc. Means] you utter, you speak.[1]
For when going out of the school Zeno of Citium tripped and broke a toe. And after striking the ground with his hand, he cited a line from the Niobe: "I am coming, why do you call me?",[2] and immediately died by holding his own breath. He lived for ninety years free from sickness, but others say that he lived fifty-eight years.[3]
Greek Original:
*au)/eis: fwnei=s, lalei=s. *zh/nwn ga\r o( *kitieu\s e)k th=s sxolh=s a)piw\n prose/ptaise kai\ to\n da/ktulon perie/rrhce. pai/sas de\ th\n gh=n th=| xeiri/ fhsi to\ e)k th=s *nio/bhs: e)/rxomai, ti/ m' au)/eis; kai\ paraxrh=ma e)teleu/thsen a)popni/cas e(auto\n, biou\s de\ e)/th #4# a)/nosos: oi( de\ duoi=n de/onta c# zh=sai au)to\n e)/th fasi/n.
[1] The headword is probably (though not necessarily) extracted from the quotation given.
[2] Adler notes that no such fragment was registered by Nauck. In fact it comes from Timotheus of Miletus (tau 620): fr. 11 Page (PMG).
[3] This whole paragraph draws on Diogenes Laertius 7.28; cf. zeta 79. Most of the changes are inconsequential, though the period of fifty-eight years was (according to Apollonius) that of his headship of the school.
Keywords: biography; chronology; definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; medicine; philosophy; poetry
Translated by: Marcelo Boeri on 9 November 1999@13:56:54.
Vetted by:
William Hutton on 9 November 1999@21:34:20.
Scott Carson on 2 January 2000@22:03:22.
Scott Carson on 11 February 2000@15:34:25.
Catharine Roth (Added keywords.) on 19 March 2001@10:37:50.
David Whitehead (augmented notes and keywords; cosmetics) on 27 August 2002@09:33:07.
David Whitehead (augmented notes and keywords; cosmetics) on 30 April 2012@05:50:13.


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