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Adler number: alpha,2452
Translated headword: Hannibal
Vetting Status: high
Translation: The Carthaginian was so called.
"For the Carthaginians chose as general Hasdrubal, son-in-law of [Hamilcar] Barca.[1] And he chose as lieutenant-general Hannibal, the man who became famous not much later for military commands. Hannibal was both son of Barca and [thus] brother of [Hasdrubal's] wife; Hasdrubal had him with him in
Iberia, and he was young and battle-ready and acceptable to the army. And Hannibal led many [campaigns] in
Iberia, since he was trustworthy in negotiations and behaved like a young man when force was required."[2] "Hannibal was war-loving by nature and never endured idleness."[3] "But later he took to unaccustomed luxury and had a mistress, wild man that he was; and straightaway, little by little, everything was turned over to him."[4]
Polybius says, "Hannibal was young, but filled with warlike passion, successful in the fray, and motivated from the start by his hatred of the Romans."[5]
"It was made clear to Hannibal, general of the Carthaginians, by [the oracle] of Ammon, that he would die and be buried in the land of Libya. And he hoped to stamp out the Roman empire and to end it in Libya. When Flaminius, the general of the Romans, was eager to take him alive, he went as suppliant to Prusias and when he was thrust away by Prusias, he leapt up onto his horse, and since his sword was unsheathed, he wounded his finger. And he had not gone too many stades farther when a fever from his wound and the end of his life overtook him. The region where death overtook him the Nicomedians call 'Libyssa.' And an oracle came to the Athenians from
Dodona that they should colonise '
Sicily'. And '
Sicily' is a small ridge not far from
Athens. But those who did not understand what was said were led into foreign expeditions and into war against the Syracusans."[6]
"It is a remarkable and great indication that this man was by nature a leader and very different from other men for his statesman-like manner that for seventeen years he remained in the field, passed through a good many barbarian lands, and used a good many foreign men as helpmates in his ambitious and incredible endeavors; he was never deserted willingly by one of the men once they had joined up with him and given themselves into his hands."[7] Which even now ?is a civilized way to behave?.[8]
"In contriving to make the Carthaginians see the magnitude of his victory over the Romans and the plight of their opponents, Hannibal sent into Libya three Attic medimni full of golden rings, which he had stripped as spoils from men of equestrian and senatorial rank."[9]
"Certain Carthaginians who were sent out by Hannibal to spy fell in with the Romans. Though they were angry with him, Publius[10] did them no harm but told them to inspect the camp, take dinner, and to go back safe to report to Hannibal the way things were with the army of the Romans."[11]
Greek Original:*)anni/bas o( *karxhdo/nios ou(/tws e)kalei=to. oi( ga\r *karxhdo/nioi strathgo\n a)pe/fhnan *)asdrou/ban, to\n tou= *ba/rka khdesth/n. o( de\ *)anni/ban to\n ou) polu\ u(/steron a)oi/dimon e)pi\ strathgi/ais, pai=da/ te o)/nta tou= *ba/rka kai\ th=s gunaiko/s oi( gino/menon a)delfo\n e)/xwn e)n *)ibhri/a| ne/on o)/nta kai\ filopo/lemon kai\ a)re/skonta tw=| stratw=| u(postra/thgon a)pe/fhne, kai\ th=s te *)ibhri/as ta\ polla\ proshga/geto, piqano\s w)\n o(milh=sai, e)/s te ta\ bi/as deo/mena tw=| meiraki/w| xrw/menos. fu/sei de\ filopo/lemos h)=n o( *)anni/bas, kai\ ou)/ pote a)rgi/an e)/feren. u(/steron de\ e)pi\ trufh=s h)=n ou) sunh/qous, e)rwme/nhn te ei)=xen a)/grios a)nh/r: kai\ eu)qu\s au)tw=| kat' o)li/gon e)tre/peto pa/nta. fhsi\ de\ *polu/bios, w(s *)anni/bas ne/os me\n h)=n, plh/rhs de\ polemikh=s o(rmh=s, e)pituxh\s de\ e)n tai=s e)pibolai=s, pa/lai de\ parwrmhme/nos pro\s th\n kata\ tw=n *(rwmai/wn e)/xqran. o(/ti *)anni/ba| tw=| *karxhdoni/wn strathgw=| e)dhlw/qh para\ *)/ammwnos, w(s a)poqanw\n gh=| kalufqh/setai *libu/ssh|. kai\ o( me\n h)/lpisen a)rxh\n tw=n *(rwmai/wn kaqairh/sein kai\ e)n *libu/h| teleuth/sein. *flamini/ou de\ tou= *(rwmai/wn strathgou= spoudh\n poioume/nou labei=n au)to\n zw=nta, a)fi/keto para\ *prousi/an i(ke/ths kai\ a)pwsqei\s a)p' au)tou= a)neph/da te e)pi\ to\n i(/ppon kai\ gumnwqe/ntos tou= ci/fous titrw/sketai to\n da/ktulon. proelqo/nti de\ ou) sta/dia polla\ pureto\s a)po\ tou= trau/matos kai\ h( teleuth\ tou= bi/ou sune/bh. to\ de\ xwri/on, e)/nqa sune/bh a)poqanei=n, e)ka/loun oi( *nikomhdei=s *li/bussan. kai\ *)aqhnai/ois de\ ma/nteuma h)=lqen e)k *dwdw/nhs, *sikeli/an oi)ki/zein. kai\ ou) po/rrw th=sde lo/fos e)sti\n h( *sikeli/a ou) me/gas. oi( de\ ou) sumfronh/santes to\ ei)rhme/non e)/s te u(perori/ous stratia\s proh/xqhsan kai\ e)s to\n *surakousi/wn po/lemon. o(/ti qaumasto/n e)sti kai\ me/giston shmei=on gegone/nai th=| fu/sei to\n a)/ndra tou=ton h(gemoniko\n kai\ polu/ ti diafe/ronta tw=n a)/llwn pro\s to\n pragmatiko\n tro/pon: iz# ga\r e)/th mei/nas e)n toi=s u(pai/qrois plei=sta/ te e)/qnh kai\ ba/rbara diecelqw\n kai\ plei/stois a)ndra/sin a)llofu/lois xrhsa/menos sunergoi=s pro\s a)phlpisme/nas kai\ parado/cous e)pibola\s, u(p' ou)deno\s e(kousi/ws e)gkatelei/fqh tw=n a(/pac au)tw=| koinwnhsa/ntwn kai\ do/ntwn e(autou\s ei)s xei=ras. o(/per kai\ ta\ nu=n e)mpoliteu/etai. o(/ti to\ me/geqos th=s tou= *)anni/bou ni/khs th=s pro\s *(rwmai/ous kai\ th=s tw=n e)nanti/wn sumfora=s u(p' o)/yin a)gagei=n toi=s *karxhdoni/ois mhxanw/menos, trei=s medi/mnous *)attikou\s plh/reis xrusw=n daktuli/wn ei)s th\n *libu/hn a)pe/pemyen, ou(\s a)/ra tou\s i(ppikou\s kai\ bouleutikou\s a)/ndras skuleu/sas a)nh/|rhto. o(/ti a)/ndres tine\s *karxhdoni/wn e)pi\ kataskoph=| tw=n e)nanti/wn stale/ntes u(po\ *)anni/bou toi=s *(rwmai/ois peripi/ptousin. ou(\s a)xqe/ntas w(s au(to\n o( *po/plios kako\n me\n ou)de\n ei)rga/sato, perinosth=sai de\ keleu/ei to\ strato/pedon kai\ dei=pnon e(lome/nous a)poxwrei=n sw/ous, a)paggelou=ntas *)anni/ba| ta\ peri\ th\n stratia\n w(s e)/xei *(rwmai/ois.
Born 247 BCE. See generally OCD(4) s.v. (pp.644-5).
[1] See generally OCD(4) pp.644, under 'Hamilcar(2)', and 646-7, under 'Hasdrubal(1)'.
[2] Appian,
Iberica 6 (for this whole paragraph so far); cf.
alpha 4134.
[3] Appian,
Annibaica 17.
[4] Appian,
Annibaica 43.
Polybius 3.15.6.
Pausanias 8.11.11-12 (web address 1 below).
Polybius 23.13.1-2.
[8] This addendum might also come from
Polybius (so Schweighauser); alternatively it is an "editorial" comment by the lexicographer himself.
[9] John of
Antioch fr. 120 Roberto; cf. Eutropius,
Breviarium 3.11.
[10] P. Cornelius Scipio Africanus.
[11] John of
Antioch fr. 128; again at
sigma 577.
J. Seibert, Hannibal (1993)
Associated internet address:
Web address 1
Keywords: biography; economics; ethics; gender and sexuality; geography; historiography; history; military affairs; politics; religion; women
Translated by: Jennifer Benedict on 1 June 2001@00:32:06.
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