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Search results for alpha,2086 in Adler number:
Adler number: alpha,2086
Translated headword: reversely
Vetting Status: high
Translation: They call it [reversely] whenever the plaintiff prosecutes the man who has been wronged.[1]
Also [sc. attested is the noun] anastrophe, [meaning] the withdrawal of the attack to its previous position.[2]
Another word for this is antapodosis.
"And there would not be a reversal for them, with some defeat having happened to them at the moment of his deploying the multitude".[3]
Greek Original:*)anastrofa/dhn fasi\n, o(/tan o( e)gkalw=n tw=| h)dikhme/nw| e)gkalh=|. kai\ *)anastrofh\, h( a)pokata/stasis th=s e)pistrofh=s ei)s th\n prote/ran xw/ran. le/getai kai\ h( a)ntapo/dosis. kai\ mh\ a)\n a)nastrofh\n ei)=nai au)toi=s, ptai/smato/s tinos genome/nou te kat' e)kei/nous a)kmh=s plhqu/i+ xrw/menon.
[1] Likewise in
Photius and ps.-
Zonaras. The headword adverb is otherwise unattested.
Anastrophe as a rhetorical device (as opposed to a military manoeuvre, for which see below) is the repetition of words from the end of one sentence at the beginning of the next; see LSJ s.v. I.4. The example here uses repetition at the beginning and end of the same clause, with two forms of the verb
egkalein, "prosecute" or "accuse".
[2] See generally LSJ s.v. I.2.
[3] Not identified by Adler, but identifiable via the TLG as a close approximation of
Antiquities of the Jews 18.359.
Keywords: biography; definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; historiography; history; law; military affairs
Translated by: Jennifer Benedict on 21 October 2000@19:04:53.
Vetted by:David Whitehead (modied headword and translation; added note and keyword) on 23 October 2000@05:04:09.
David Whitehead (added keywords; restorative cosmetics) on 1 August 2002@09:06:21.
David Whitehead (modified notes, inc. a source identification; more keywords; tweaks) on 27 February 2011@06:25:54.
David Whitehead (augmented notes) on 28 February 2012@06:34:01.
David Whitehead on 8 July 2015@03:00:13.
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