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Search results for alpha,1594 in Adler number:
Adler number: alpha,1594
Translated headword: contest
Vetting Status: high
Translation: [Meaning] competition, rivalry, equalization.[1]
"And once, when these two boys were contending with each other, they stripped off for a contest of javelin-throwing, but then their enthusiasm got the better of them; and somehow the son of Argeas, contrary to the blow he intended, unfortunately struck his brother's chest and killed him."[2]
Greek Original:*(/amilla: a)ntagw/nisma, filoneiki/a, e)ci/swsis. kai/ pote a)gw=na e)pitelou=ntes tou/tw tw\ meiraki/w, e)s a(/millan a)konti/sews a)podusame/nw, ei)=ta me/ntoi th=s spoudh=s qermo/teron u(peplh/sqhsan: kai/ pws o( *)arge/ou ui(o\s a)llaxo/se boulo/menos balei=n ta)delfou= dustuxw=s tw=n ste/rnwn tugxa/nei kai\ a)nairei= au)to/n.
Keywords: athletics; biography; children; definition; ethics; history; tragedy
Translated by: Jennifer Benedict on 4 August 2000@21:10:09.
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