Interface Partial

All Known Implementing Classes:
CausalLink, Flaw, OpenPreconditionFlaw, PartialStep, PlanSpaceNode, PlanSpaceRoot, ThreatenedCausalLinkFlaw

public interface Partial
This interface is implemented by any object which is affected by the bindings of a least-commitment plan. It provides a toString(Substitution) method which returns a string in which all variables with known values have been replaced by their values.
Stephen G. Ware
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    toString(Substitution substitution)
    Returns a string representation of this object in which all variables which have values in the given substitution have been replaced with those values.
  • Method Details

    • toString

      String toString(Substitution substitution)
      Returns a string representation of this object in which all variables which have values in the given substitution have been replaced with those values.
      substitution - a substitution which may contain values for variabels used in this object
      a string