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Search results for upsilon,230 in Adler number:
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Headword: *(upera/riqmoi
Adler number: upsilon,230
Translated headword: supernumeraries
Vetting Status: high
This [sc. was] the number of the so-called scholarii, who were three thousand five hundred [...] Justinian added two thousand others, whom he named thus.
Greek Original:
*(upera/riqmoi: ou(=tos o( a)riqmo\s tw=n sxolari/wn kaloume/nwn trisxili/wn pentakosi/wn o)/ntwn e(te/rous disxili/ous e)nte/qeiken *)ioustiniano/s, ou(\s ou(/tws e)ka/lesen.
Procopius, Secret History 24.15 & 19 (web addresses 1 and 2); cf. Kaldellis (107). The scholarii were an imperial guard formed by Constantine I, replacing the Pretorian Cohort. The name (with a Latin suffix) comes from the scholae of cadets assigned to the Palace: see sigma 1797. On Justinian see iota 446 generally.
A. Kaldellis, ed. and trans., Prokopios: The Secret History, (Indianapolis 2010)
Associated internet addresses:
Web address 1,
Web address 2
Keywords: biography; definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; historiography; history; military affairs
Translated by: Catharine Roth on 28 April 2008@15:14:44.
Vetted by:
David Whitehead (another keyword; tweak) on 29 April 2008@07:21:21.
David Whitehead on 29 April 2008@07:21:45.
David Whitehead on 21 November 2013@06:24:41.
Ronald Allen (added bibliography, cross-reference, and links to note) on 12 July 2024@11:26:18.


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