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Headword: *porqmo/s
Adler number: pi,2075
Translated headword: strait
Vetting Status: high
[Meaning] a crossing, a sea with land on both sides. For an isthmus is a narrow stretch of land having sea on either side, but a strait is sea that is confined by land.[1]
"There are twin straits, the one on the Hellespont in the vicinity of Sestus and Abydos, and the other on the mouth of the Black Sea, at the site of what is called the Shrine. On the Hellespont there was not really a toll post, but an official sent from the emperor was stationed in Abydos to carry out inspections on particulars [...]; and the one sent to the other strait always went having been supplied with pay by the emperor, supplying nothing from those who were engaged in ship traffic there [...]."[2]
Greek Original:
*porqmo/s: pe/rama, a)mfi/geios qa/lassa. i)sqmo\s ga/r e)sti gh= stenh/, e(kate/rwqen e)/xousa qa/lassan, porqmo\s de\ qa/lassa u(po\ gh=s periexome/nh. porqmw\ du/o e)sto/n, o( me\n e)f' *(ellhspo/ntou a)mfi\ *shsto/n te kai\ *)/abudon, o( de\ dh\ e(/teros e)pi\ tou= sto/matos tou= *eu)cei/nou *po/ntou, ou(= to\ *(iero\n o)noma/zetai. e)n me\n dh\ tw=| *(ellhspo/ntw| telwnei=on h(/kista h)=n, a)/rxwn de/ tis e)k basile/ws stello/menos e)n *)abu/dw| kaqh=sto, diereunw/menos e(/kasta: o( de\ e)pi\ porqmou= tou= e(te/rou stello/menos misqo\n a)ei\ pro\s basile/ws kekomisme/nos h)/ei, ou)de\n pro\s tw=n th=|de nautillome/nwn komizo/menos.
For this headword as an actual toponym see pi 2074.
[1] = Synagoge and Photius pi1097 Theodoridis; similarly already Hesychius; and in reverse at iota 640 (q.v.).
[2] An abridged and somewhat garbled quotation of Procopius, Secret History 25.2-4 (web address 1); cf. Kaldellis (109-110). In substantive terms the main omission here is the fact that the duty of the official in Abydos was to see, specifically, that unauthorized weapons did not reach Byzantion. See also alpha 1822. For Sestus (Sestos) and Abydos, see Barrington Atlas map 51 grid G4. For Hieron (the Shrine), see Barrington Atlas map 53 grid B2.
A. Kaldellis, ed. and trans., Prokopios: The Secret History, (Indianapolis 2010)
Associated internet address:
Web address 1
Keywords: biography; definition; economics; geography; historiography; history; law; military affairs; politics; religion; trade and manufacture
Translated by: William Hutton on 24 February 2013@09:58:46.
Vetted by:
Catharine Roth (added cross-reference, set status) on 25 February 2013@01:15:08.
David Whitehead (augmented notes and keywords; cosmetics) on 25 February 2013@03:32:59.
David Whitehead on 10 October 2013@07:58:56.
Ronald Allen (added bibliography, cross-reference, link, and map reference n.2) on 1 July 2024@10:17:34.


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