[Meaning] the animal [of that name].[1]
Aristophanes [writes]: "how, being a Mede, did he fly here without a camel?" For the Medes came into Greece by camel.[2]
Also [sc. attested is the term]
kamelites, an ox so called.[3]
But a
kamilos [is] a thick rope.[4]
*ka/mhlos: to\ zw=|on. *)aristofa/nhs: pw=s a)/neu kamh/lou *mh=dos w)\n e)se/ptato; e)pei\ dia\ kamh/lwn h)=lqon oi( *mh=doi e)s th\n *(ella/da. kai\ *kamhli/ths bou=s ou(/tw kalou/menos. *ka/milos de\ to\ paxu\ sxoini/on.
cf. Theophylact of Ochrid's Notes (PG 123.356d) on
Matthew 19.24 ('it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle etc.').
[1] Either the Bactrian camel or the dromedary: LSJ entry at web address 1; cf.
sigma 700.
Birds 278 (web address 2), and scholion. On the Medes (Persians) and their camels in Xerxes' invasion see
Herodotus 7.83-87.
[3] Perhaps a (sc. African/Asian) buffalo: see LSJ entry at web address 3.
[4] Perhaps coined to explain
Matthew 19.24 (above): see LSJ entry at web address 4.
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