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Headword: *)epana/krousai pa/lin
Adler number: epsilon,1952
Translated headword: to put back again
Vetting Status: high
[sc. A phrase stemming] from the rowers, whenever upon turning the stern they back water, in order to manoeuvre the vessel backwards.[1]
Aristophanes in Birds [writes]: "put back again here."[2] Meaning turn back. The metaphor [comes] from those backing the reins or the ships. Or: turn back, go back. Putting-back is properly [used of] holding off the on-rushing ship thrust for thrust, so as not to shatter [one's own ship] by rushing forward. The [word] "again" (pa/lin) applies to [motion] backwards, from men rowing forwards. Or meaning singing before this, [as if to say] sing again and repeat.
Greek Original:
*)epana/krousai pa/lin: a)po\ tw=n e)retw=n, o(/tan stre/yantes th\n pru/mnan a)nakrou/swntai, i(/na o)pi/sw to\ ploi=on a)naxwrh/sh|. *)aristofa/nhs *)/ornisi: deu=r' e)pana/krousai pa/lin. a)nti\ tou= e)pana/kampte. h( de\ metafora\ a)po\ tw=n ta\s h(ni/as a)nakrouome/nwn h)\ ta\s nau=s. h)\ u(po/streyon, e)pa/niqi. e)pana/krousis de\ kuri/ws to\ e)pisxei=n th\n e)perxome/nhn nau=n meq' o(rmh=s ei)s to\n o(/rmon, i(/na mh\ proselqou=sa qrau/sh|. to\ de\ pa/lin e)pi\ tou= o)pi/sw, a)po\ tw=n ei)s tou)/mprosqen e)resso/ntwn. h)\ a)nti\ a)/|sas pro\ tou/tou, pa/lin a)=|son kai\ e)pana/labe.
For the headword phrase see note 2 below.
[1] cf. the scholia to Aristophanes, Wasps 398 (where a similar phrase occurs). For this manoeuvre see also e.g. Herodotus 8.84.1.
[2] Aristophanes, Birds 648, with comment from the scholia there.
Keywords: comedy; definition; imagery; military affairs; meter and music
Translated by: Ross Scaife ✝ on 15 February 2004@21:04:00.
Vetted by:
David Whitehead (modified headword and aspects of translation; augmented notes) on 16 February 2004@03:26:06.
David Whitehead (another keyword) on 18 October 2005@06:18:30.
David Whitehead on 28 September 2012@07:26:16.


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