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Headword: *diw/motos
Adler number: delta,1236
Translated headword: bound by oath, oath-bound
Vetting Status: high
"[He] ordered the orators, bound by oath, to join the litigants".[1] That is, [he ordered] the advocates [to do so].
Simocatta used the word diwmosi/a in reference to an oath when he says: "the Moors made a diwmosi/a against the Romans".[2]
Greek Original:
*diw/motos. diwmo/tous suni/stasqai toi=s diaferome/nois e)ke/leue tou\s r(h/toras. toute/sti tou\s sunhgo/rous. o(/ti o( *simo/katos e)pi\ tou= o(/rkou e)xrh/sato tw=| diwmosi/a le/gwn: oi( *maurou/sioi diwmosi/an kata\ tw=n *(rwmai/wn e)poih/santo.
cf. generally delta 1234, delta 1235, delta 1237.
[1] Procopius, Secret History 26.2 (web address 1), discussing some of Justinian's reforms of the court system, such as the abolition of the rank of professional pleader (r(h/twr; cf. Secret History 20.17, web address 2) and the deprivation of the rhetors of their prizes. According to the direct transmission, the passage reads tou\s diaferome/nous; consequently, the interpretation is "[Justinian] ordered that those of the rhetors who were at variance with one another should face one another in the court, after oath"; tou\s r(h/toras seems to have been added in the Suda. Adler’s apparatus does not mention any disagreement among the manuscripts about the dative toi=s diaferome/nois, which makes the general sense of the sentence dramatically change: "join the litigants", that is, as Gaisford interpreted it, patrocinium suscipere.
[2] Theophylact Simocatta, Histories 7.6.6. The Moors, a people dwelling in the regions of Africa between Ethiopia and Mauretania, are also mentioned by Strabo 17.3.2; Plutarch, Sertorius 7; Procopius, History of the Wars of Justinian 3.25.3-9; 4.6.10-14, 7.3, 11.16-20, 13.26-29; and generally mu 298.
Procopius of Caesarea, Opera, recognovit J. Haury, vol. III: Historia quae diditur Arcana, Leipzig, Teubner 1962 (reprint)
Theophylactus Simocatta, Historiae, ed. C. de Boor, Stuttgart, Teubner, 1887
Associated internet addresses:
Web address 1,
Web address 2
Keywords: biography; dialects, grammar, and etymology; geography; historiography; history; law; religion
Translated by: Antonella Ippolito on 7 February 2005@22:18:19.
Vetted by:
Antonella Ippolito on 7 February 2005@22:19:26.
David Whitehead (modied translation; added x-refs and another keyword; extensive cosmetics) on 8 February 2005@07:50:29.
Catharine Roth (betacode) on 8 February 2005@19:15:18.
Catharine Roth (typo) on 20 December 2005@23:03:33.
David Whitehead (more keywords; cosmetics) on 13 July 2012@07:28:30.
Catharine Roth (coding) on 16 November 2014@10:48:25.
David Whitehead (cosmetics) on 11 November 2015@10:44:45.
Ronald Allen (added links) on 20 May 2024@12:29:46.


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