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Headword: *xaradrio/s
Adler number: chi,90
Translated headword: charadrios, plover
Vetting Status: high
A bird,[1] which people suffering from jaundice look at, as the story goes, and easily get over the disease.[2] Hence people who are selling them hide them so that those who are sick will not get their benefit. "And indeed, you're covering up; surely you aren't selling plovers?" So Hipponax [writes].[3]
And [there is] a proverb from this: 'mimicking a plover',[4] in reference to those who are hiding themselves. So Euphronius [uses the phrase].[5] For since the plover when it is seen helps those suffering from jaundice, those who are selling it cover it up, so that no-one can be accidentally cured before paying. It is a type of bird, changing into the preceding matters.[6] And in reference to the bird the accent is oxytone, but in reference to the ravine [charadra] it is barytone.[7] Since plovers also produce a certain type of melody through the streams. Therefore, "mimicking a plover" [is said] to mean "hiding". Some say it is not those who see the plover but those who eat it who are cured of the disease.
Greek Original:
*xaradrio/s: o)/rneon, ei)s o(\n a)poble/yantes, w(s lo/gos, oi( i)kteriw=ntes r(a=|on a)palla/ttontai. o(/qen kai\ kru/ptousin au)tou\s oi( pipra/skontes, i(/na mh\ proi=ka w)felw=ntai oi( ka/mnontes. kai\ mh\n kalu/ptei: mw=n xaradrio\n perna=|s; ou(/tws *(ippw/nac. kai\ paroimi/a e)nteu=qen: *xaradrio\n mimou/menos, e)pi\ tw=n a)pokruptome/nwn. ou(/tws *eu)fro/nios. e)pei\ ga\r tou\s i)kteriw=ntas w)felei= o( xaradrio\s o)fqei/s, kai\ tou=ton oi( pernw=ntes kru/ptousin, i(/na mh\ pro\ tou= w)nh/sasqai/ tis i)aqh=| perie/rgws. e)/sti de\ ei)=dos o)rne/ou, metaballo/menon ei)s ta\ prokei/mena. kai\ e)pi\ me\n tou= o)rne/ou o)cu/netai, e)pi\ de\ th=s xara/dras baru/netai. e)pei\ kai\ ai( xara/drai tro/pon tina\ dia\ tw=n r(euma/twn melw|di/an poiou=si. xaradrio\n ou)=n mimou/menos, a)nti\ tou= a)pokrupto/menos. oi( de/ fasin ou) tou\s i)do/ntas to\n xaradrio/n, a)lla\ tou\s fago/ntas a)palla/ssesqai th=s no/sou.
[1] Probably the Norfolk plover or thick-knee (Charadrius oedicnemus), a wading bird.
[2] See also iota 279.
[3] Hipponax fr.52. Also relevant is Plato, Gorgias 494B (web address 1 below), with the scholia thereto.
[4] Aristophanes, Birds 266 (web address 2 below), with scholia.
[5] For the erudition of Euphronius (the teacher of Aristophanes of Byzantium) cf. delta 1054, kappa 1549, mu 801, pi 500.
[6] This clause, here and in the scholion, is opaque.
[7] That is, xaradrio/s, meaning "plover" has an acute accent on the ultima while xaradrai=os (chi 88), meaning "from a ravine" has no accent on the ultima.
Associated internet addresses:
Web address 1,
Web address 2
Keywords: comedy; daily life; definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; economics; ethics; food; imagery; medicine; poetry; proverbs; trade and manufacture; zoology
Translated by: Jennifer Benedict on 14 March 2008@09:44:18.
Vetted by:
David Whitehead (modified n.5; tweaks and cosmetics) on 14 March 2008@10:15:56.
Jennifer Benedict (cosmeticule) on 14 March 2008@10:32:10.
David Whitehead (typo) on 7 August 2011@08:33:03.
David Whitehead (tweaking) on 8 November 2013@04:15:24.
Catharine Roth (cross-reference) on 17 April 2023@16:24:31.
Catharine Roth (typo found by James McKeown) on 22 June 2024@23:16:54.


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