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Adler number: pi,3238
Translated headword: Pyrrhon, Pyrrho
Vetting Status: high
Translation: [Pyrrho(n)] son of Pleistarchos, of Elis; a philosopher; [the one] who lived during the reign of Philip of Macedon, in the 111th Olympiad[1] and thereafter. He was initially a painter, but then was attracted by philosophy; he studied under Bryson the pupil of Kleinomachos and then under Alexandros the pupil of Metrodoros of
Chios, whose teacher had been Metrodoros of
Abdera.[2] His opinion was that nothing is naturally bad or good, but [only so] by usage and custom.
Greek Original:Purrôn, Pleistarchou, Êleios, philosophos: hos ên epi Philippou tou Makedonos, kata tên ria# Olumpiada kai epekeina. kai proteron men ên zôgraphos, husteron de hôrmêsen epi philosophian kai diêkouse Brusônos, tou Kleinomachou mathêtou, eita Alexandrou, tou Mêtrodôrou mathêtou, tou Chiou, hou didaskalos ên Mêtrodôros ho Abdêritês. edoxase de mêden phusei aischron ê kalon, alla ethei kai nomôi.
c.365-275 BCE; see generally Gisela Striker in OCD4 s.v., and
pi 3241. Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy at web address 1. For the present material cf.
Diogenes Laertius 9.61.
[1] 336-333. (This date has suggested to some the need to emend 'Philip' to Alexander -- or else to emend the numeral itself.)
[2] J. Jonsius,
De scriptoribus historiae philosophicae libri IV (Francofurti: Ex officina Thom. Matt. Götzii, 1659), 1.4.1 (p. 24) convincingly emended
*)Aleca/ndrou to
*)Anaca/rxou and
*Metro/dwros to
*Dhmo/kritos, based on
Diogenes Laertius 9.58; cf. R.L. Fowler,
Early Greek Mythography I (Oxford: Oxford UP, 2000), 269. See also Bett (below), 152-165, on Pyrrho’s connection to
Democritus and
Anaxarchus, as well as to
Metrodorus of
Bett, Richard. Pyrrho, his Antecedents, and his Legacy. Oxford: Oxford UP, 2000
Associated internet address:
Web address 1
Keywords: art history; biography; chronology; ethics; geography; philosophy
Translated by: David Whitehead on 22 February 2004@07:52:18.
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