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Search results for pi,2127 in Adler number:
Adler number: pi,2127
Translated headword: Potamo, Potamon
Vetting Status: high
Translation: [Potamo] of Mitylene; son of
Lesbonax.[1] Rhetor. He was a sophist in Rome under Caesar
Tiberius.[2] Once when he was going back to his native city the emperor supplied him with the following passport: 'If anyone should dare to harm Potamo son of
Lesbonax, let him consider whether he can make war on me'. He wrote
On Alexander of Macedon;
Annals of [the] Samians;[3]
Encomium of Brutus;
Encomium of Caesar;
On the Perfect Orator.
Greek Original:Potamôn, Mitulênaios, huios Lesbônaktos, rhêtôr. esophisteusen en Rhômêi epi Kaisaros Tiberiou. kai pote autou es tên patrida epaniontos, ho basileus ephodiazei toioisde grammasi: Potamôna Lesbônaktos ei tis adikein tolmêsoi, skepsasthô, ei moi dunêsetai polemein. egrapse peri Alexandrou tou Makedonos, Horous Samiôn, Broutou enkômion, Kaisaros enkômion, Peri teleiou rhêtoros.
c.75 BC- AD 15. See generally RE Potamon(3); OCD4 Potamon(1); FGrH 147.
lambda 307:
[2] Only just: see dates above.
[3] The Suda mss transmit this noun as
o(/rous, which Adler prints; it should be
Keywords: biography; chronology; ethics; geography; historiography; rhetoric
Translated by: Malcolm Heath on 25 May 2002@08:15:35.
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