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Search results for alphaiota,348 in Adler number:
Adler number: alphaiota,348
Translated headword: Aeschines, Aischines, Aiskhines
Vetting Status: high
Translation: Of
Athens; son of the elementary teacher Atrometus and Leucothea[1] the priestess. He himself was an actor, then a secretary, then an orator; he was a traitor, who betrayed Cersobleptes[2] and the Phocians. He indicted Ctesiphon for violating the constitution when he proposed that
Demosthenes be crowned;[3] he lost the case, and went into exile in
Rhodes, where he became a teacher.
Greek Original:Aischinês, Athênaios, Atromêtou grammatodidaskalou kai Leukotheas tês telestrias, autos hupokritês, eita grammateus, eita rhêtôr, prodotês, ho Kersobleptên kai Phôkeas prodous. grapsamenos de paranomôn Ktêsiphônta, stephanoun grapsanta Dêmosthenên, hêttêthê kai ephugen eis Rhodon kai epaideusen ekei.
Keywords: biography; constitution; daily life; dialects, grammar, and etymology; ethics; geography; history; law; politics; religion; rhetoric; stagecraft; women
Translated by: Malcolm Heath on 10 February 2001@13:29:53.
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