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Headword: Aisôpos
Adler number: alphaiota,334
Translated headword: Aesop
Vetting Status: high
A Samian or Sardian, though Eugeiton[1] said that he was a Mesembrian,[2] and others [call him] a Phrygian from Kotiaiaon. He became a logopoios, which is an inventor of stories and responses. Being welcomed at [the palace of] Croesus he spent time there, in the era before Pythagoras; the midpoint of his life was the 40th Olympiad.[3] He wrote about the things which happened to him at Delphi in 2 books. But some say, rather, that Aesop has only written responses. For [they say that] he perished unjustly in Delphi having been thrown off a precipice from the rocks called the Phaidriades[4] in the 54th Olympiad.[5] [Some say that] Aesop became the slave of Xanthus the Lydian, while others say [that he became the slave] of a certain Samian, Iadmon, who also had a female slave Rhodopis; Charaxos the brother of Sappho took her, a Thracian by race, as his wife after she had spent time as a hetaira, and he had children by her.[6]
Greek Original:
Aisôpos, Samios ê Sardianos, Eugeitôn de Mesêmbrianos eipen, alloi Kotuaea Phruga. egeneto de logopoios, ho estin heuretês logôn kai apokrimatôn. dietripse de para Kroisôi philoumenos, tois chronois pro Puthagorou: hos mesoun epi tês m# Olumpiados. egrapse ta en Delphois autôi sumbanta en bibliois b#. mallon de tines phasi ton Aisôpon apokrimata gegraphenai monon. en gar Delphois adikôs apolesthai hup' autôn katakrêmnisthenta apo tôn Phaidriadôn kaloumenôn petrôn kata tên nd# Olumpiada. oiketên de genesthai Xanthou tou Ludou, alloi andros tinos Samiou Iadmonos, houtinos kai hê Rhodôpis doulê ên: hên hetairan genomenên, Thraissan to genos, Charaxos ho adelphos Sapphous elabe gunaika kai ex autês gennai.
See also alphaiota 332, alphaiota 335, and generally OCD(4) s.v. (p.28). For the present material cf. Herodotus 2.134.3-4 and the scholia to Aristophanes, Birds 471 (where he is mentioned).
[1] Actually Euagon of Samos: FGrH 535 F3.
[2] Here, ungrammatically, in the nominative. Mesembria is present-day Nesebur in Bulgaria.
[3] 620-617.
[4] cf. phi 156.
[5] 564-561.
[6] cf. iota 4, xi 9, rho 211, chi 99.
Keywords: biography; children; chronology; comedy; ethics; gender and sexuality; geography; historiography; religion; women
Translated by: Bobbiejo Winfrey ✝ on 8 March 2003@14:08:02.
Vetted by:
David Whitehead (modified translation; added notes; augmented keywords) on 9 March 2003@05:16:44.
David Whitehead (added more x-refs) on 9 March 2003@05:19:52.
David Whitehead (tweaked tr; cosmetics) on 10 May 2006@03:10:02.
David Whitehead (more keywords; cosmetics) on 17 May 2012@04:50:43.
David Whitehead (updated a ref) on 1 August 2014@04:46:18.
David Whitehead on 30 November 2015@08:32:23.


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