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Headword: *ti/s
Adler number: tau,654
Translated headword: who? someone
Vetting Status: high
["Who" is used to mean] no-one. David [says]: "God, who will be likened to you?"[1]
The [word] tis also signifies different things: "who understood the mind of the Lord?"[2] Also, "who measured the water with his hand? Who made the mountains to stand with their weight?"[3] The tis there does not signify something completely impossible but something rare. As is the case in, "who will rise up for me against evildoers?"[4] Also, "who is the man desiring life?"[5]
And [there is] a proverb: "someone at Kydon's"; in reference to those receiving strangers kindly. From Kydon of Corinth, a man hospitably disposed.[6]
Exceedingly. "Always someone at Kydon's" [is] the full [version].[7]
Greek Original:
*ti/s: a)nti\ tou= ou)dei/s. *dabi/d: o( qeo/s, ti/s o(moiwqh/setai/ soi; shmai/nei de\ to\ ti/s dia/fora: ti/s e)/gnw nou=n kuri/ou; kai/, ti/s e)me/trhse th=| xeiri\ to\ u(/dwr; ti/s e)/sthse ta\ o)/rh staqmw=|; to\ ti/s e)ntau=qa ou) to\ a)/poron pantelw=s, a)lla\ to\ spa/nion dhloi=. w(s e)pi\ tou=, ti/s a)nasth/setai/ moi e)pi\ ponhreuome/nois; kai/, ti/s e)stin a)/nqrwpos o( qe/lwn zwh/n; kai\ paroimi/a: *ti/s e)n *ku/dwnos: e)pi\ tw=n filofro/nws dexome/nwn tou\s ce/nous. a)po\ *ku/dwnos *korinqi/ou, filoce/nws diateqe/ntos. u(perballo/ntws. a)ei/ tis e)n *ku/dwnos to\ plh=res.
With acute accent, ti/s is interrogative; unaccented tis is indefinite.
[1] Theodoret (PG 80, 1532b) on Psalm 82:2 LXX.
[2] Romans 11:34.
[3] Isaiah 40:13.
[4] Psalm 93:16 LXX.
[5] Psalm 33:13 LXX.
[6] Likewise in Photius' Lexicon (tau322 Theodoridis), taken to come from Pausanias the Atticist.
[7] Zenobius 2.42, etc.; see already at alpha 642.
Keywords: aetiology; biography; Christianity; daily life; definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; ethics; geography; proverbs; religion
Translated by: Bobbiejo Winfrey ✝ on 19 June 2003@08:14:15.
Vetted by:
David Whitehead (modified headword and translation; added notes and keyword) on 19 June 2003@08:53:33.
David Whitehead (cosmetics) on 15 August 2006@04:56:41.
David Whitehead (more keywords; tweaks and cosmetics) on 1 May 2011@07:59:33.
David Whitehead (another note) on 13 January 2014@08:19:27.
David Whitehead (codings) on 28 May 2016@09:44:12.
Catharine Roth (tweaked translation, added a note) on 29 August 2022@22:28:15.


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