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Headword: *palamnai=os
Adler number: pi,46
Translated headword: violent man
Vetting Status: high
[Meaning a] murderer, or one polluted [sc. by blood-guiltiness].[1] For those who commit homicide with their [sc. bare] hands are called palamnaioi from palamĂȘ ["palm of the hand"]. Also [sc. attested is] Zeus Palamnaios, the one who punishes such men; and Prostropaios, he who turns the pollution upon them.[2]
Babrius [writes]: "'the scoundrel,' he said, 'I [do not] fear the mouse, lest he bite my skin as he flees; but he was going to soil my mane.'" The lion says [this] about a mouse.[3]
And elsewhere: "[they] seemed to be not human beings but some kind of violent demons."[4]
Aelian [writes]: "before the engagement with the enemy, as he saw that his people were perishing, that violent man dared to quench the evil with a greater evil; indeed he bids them cut the wretched maiden in two."[5]
Greek Original:
*palamnai=os: foneu/s, h)\ miaro/s. palamnai=oi ga\r le/gontai oi( dia\ xeiro\s a)ndrofonou=ntes, para\ th\n pala/mhn. kai\ *zeu\s *palamnai=os, o( tou\s toiou/tous timwrou/menos: kai\ *prostropai=os, o( prostre/pwn to\ a)/gos au)toi=s. *ba/brios: ou)xi\ to\n mu=n ei)=pen, h( palamnai/a, de/doika mh/ mou th\n dora\n da/kh| feu/gwn: xai/thn d' e)/melle th\n e)mh\n kataisxu/nein. o( le/wn fhsi\ peri\ muo/s. kai\ au)=qis: ou)k a)/nqrwpoi e)/docan ei)=nai a)lla\ dai/mones palamnai=oi/ tines. *ai)liano/s: o( de\ pro\ th=s e)s tou\s polemi/ous sumplokh=s, w(s ei)=den a)pollu/meno/n oi( to\n lew/n, e)netolmh/sato kako\n kakw=| mei/zoni o( palamnai=os a)/ra e)kei=nos sbe/sai. prosta/ttei gou)=n th\n a)/qlion parqe/non di/xa temei=n.
The first paragraph of this entry comes from Photius, Lexicon pi57 Theodoridis; similar material elsewhere.
[1] LSJ entry at web address 1.
[2] Zeus Palamnaios is also attested in Aristotle, Polybius and elsewhere: see LSJ. For [Zeus?] Prostropaios cf. generally pi 2828, pi 2829, pi 2830.
[3] Babrius 82.6-8 (manuscript reading differs); cf. phi 718, epsilon 449, phi 644. A fox is ridiculing the lion for being afraid of the mouse.
[4] Procopius, Secret History 12.14 (web address 2), on Justinian (cf. iota 446) and Theodora; cf. Kaldellis (58). On the demonic nature of Justinian see also alpha 1259, delta 806, epsiloniota 225, iota 726, and pi 2088. On Theodora see alpha 956 note.
[5] Aelian fr. 53g Domingo-Forasté (50 Hercher); cf. epsilon 1270 and kappa 169.
A. Kaldellis, ed. and trans., Prokopios: The Secret History, (Indianapolis 2010)
Associated internet addresses:
Web address 1,
Web address 2
Keywords: biography; definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; ethics; gender and sexuality; military affairs; mythology; poetry; religion; women; zoology
Translated by: Catharine Roth on 10 July 2001@13:52:31.
Vetted by:
David Whitehead (added keyword; cosmetics) on 11 July 2001@03:33:46.
Catharine Roth (cosmetic) on 11 July 2001@11:54:10.
Catharine Roth (cosmetics, keyword) on 10 March 2008@02:06:38.
David Whitehead (augmented notes and keywords; tweaks and cosmetics) on 26 August 2011@05:35:46.
Catharine Roth (updated reference) on 23 October 2012@02:05:18.
David Whitehead on 9 August 2013@06:14:47.
Catharine Roth (coding) on 27 July 2014@23:22:39.
Ronald Allen (expanded n.4; added bibliography, cross-references, and link) on 24 June 2024@11:26:13.
Catharine Roth (tweaked translation) on 24 June 2024@12:11:36.
Catharine Roth (tweaked translation and note 3) on 24 June 2024@19:28:11.


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