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Headword: *ai)/swpos
Adler number: alphaiota,334
Translated headword: Aesop
Vetting Status: high
A Samian or Sardian, though Eugeiton[1] said that he was a Mesembrian,[2] and others [call him] a Phrygian from Kotiaiaon. He became a logopoios, which is an inventor of stories and responses. Being welcomed at [the palace of] Croesus he spent time there, in the era before Pythagoras; the midpoint of his life was the 40th Olympiad.[3] He wrote about the things which happened to him at Delphi in 2 books. But some say, rather, that Aesop has only written responses. For [they say that] he perished unjustly in Delphi having been thrown off a precipice from the rocks called the Phaidriades[4] in the 54th Olympiad.[5] [Some say that] Aesop became the slave of Xanthus the Lydian, while others say [that he became the slave] of a certain Samian, Iadmon, who also had a female slave Rhodopis; Charaxos the brother of Sappho took her, a Thracian by race, as his wife after she had spent time as a hetaira, and he had children by her.[6]
Greek Original:
*ai)/swpos, *sa/mios h)\ *sardiano/s, *eu)gei/twn de\ *meshmbriano\s ei)=pen, a)/lloi *kotuae/a *fru/ga. e)ge/neto de\ logopoio/s, o(/ e)stin eu(reth\s lo/gwn kai\ a)pokrima/twn. die/triye de\ para\ *kroi/sw| filou/menos, toi=s xro/nois pro\ *puqago/rou: o(\s mesou=n e)pi\ th=s m# *)olumpia/dos. e)/graye ta\ e)n *delfoi=s au)tw=| sumba/nta e)n bibli/ois b#. ma=llon de/ tine/s fasi to\n *ai)/swpon a)pokri/mata gegrafe/nai mo/non. e)n ga\r *delfoi=s a)di/kws a)pole/sqai u(p' au)tw=n katakrhmnisqe/nta a)po\ tw=n *faidria/dwn kaloume/nwn petrw=n kata\ th\n nd# *)olumpia/da. oi)ke/thn de\ gene/sqai *ca/nqou tou= *ludou=, a)/lloi a)ndro/s tinos *sami/ou *)ia/dmonos, ou(=tinos kai\ h( *(rodw=pis dou/lh h)=n: h(\n e(tai/ran genome/nhn, *qra=|ssan to\ ge/nos, *xa/racos o( a)delfo\s *sapfou=s e)/labe gunai=ka kai\ e)c au)th=s genna=|.
See also alphaiota 332, alphaiota 335, and generally OCD(4) s.v. (p.28). For the present material cf. Herodotus 2.134.3-4 and the scholia to Aristophanes, Birds 471 (where he is mentioned).
[1] Actually Euagon of Samos: FGrH 535 F3.
[2] Here, ungrammatically, in the nominative. Mesembria is present-day Nesebur in Bulgaria.
[3] 620-617.
[4] cf. phi 156.
[5] 564-561.
[6] cf. iota 4, xi 9, rho 211, chi 99.
Keywords: biography; children; chronology; comedy; ethics; gender and sexuality; geography; historiography; religion; women
Translated by: Bobbiejo Winfrey ✝ on 8 March 2003@14:08:02.
Vetted by:
David Whitehead (modified translation; added notes; augmented keywords) on 9 March 2003@05:16:44.
David Whitehead (added more x-refs) on 9 March 2003@05:19:52.
David Whitehead (tweaked tr; cosmetics) on 10 May 2006@03:10:02.
David Whitehead (more keywords; cosmetics) on 17 May 2012@04:50:43.
David Whitehead (updated a ref) on 1 August 2014@04:46:18.
David Whitehead on 30 November 2015@08:32:23.


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