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Search results for alpha,163 in Adler number:
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Headword: *)/aggaros
Adler number: alpha,163
Translated headword: a)/ggaros
Vetting Status: high
and a)ggarei/a, public and compulsory servitude.[1]
"For just as to him eating seemed to be a mere distraction, with nature as it were putting him into compulsory servitude [a)ggareuome/nhs] when it came to food."[2]
Greek Original:
*)/aggaros: kai\ *)aggarei/a, h( dhmosi/a kai\ a)nagkai/a doulei/a. w(/sper ga/r ti au)tw=| pa/rergon to\ e)sqi/ein th=s fu/sews au)to\n a)ggareuome/nhs peri\ ta\ brw/mata e)fai/neto ei)=nai.
See also alpha 162, alpha 164, alpha 165.
[1] Same glossing in Hesychius and elsewhere.
[2] An approximation of Procopius, Secret History 13.29 (web address 1), on Justinian; cf. Kaldellis (64). On Justinian, see generally iota 446. On his asceticism, see also alpha 3522 and kappa 586.
A. Kaldellis, ed. and trans., Prokopios: The Secret History, (Indianapolis 2010)
Associated internet address:
Web address 1
Keywords: biography; daily life; definition; ethics; food; historiography; history; imagery
Translated by: Gregory Hays on 23 June 1999@13:07:47.
Vetted by:
Shannon N. Byrne on 20 May 2000@18:31:52.
William Hutton (Modified translation, added cross reference) on 28 June 2001@13:57:28.
William Hutton on 28 June 2001@13:59:24.
David Whitehead (added keyword; cosmetics) on 3 February 2003@07:31:38.
Jennifer Benedict (betacoding) on 26 March 2008@01:32:33.
David Whitehead (another note and keyword; tweaks) on 23 December 2011@07:59:50.
Ronald Allen (added bibliography n.2, added cross-reference, added link) on 24 January 2024@11:14:16.
Ronald Allen (added cross-references n.2) on 15 June 2024@11:05:05.


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