Accessing MSDNAA to access Microsoft products available to students

1. Do I have a MSDNAA account?

Answer:  Maybe.  Computer Science majors and those enrolled in curriculum
based courses have MSDNAA accounts on the CS site.  Other Engineering majors
have access based on THEIR site.

2. How do I find out if I have one and what it is?

Answer:  Each semester, and other times throughout the semester, the MSDNAA
site is loaded with the email address of CS majors+CS enrolled students.  This
is a query based on actual enrollments and majors.  If the IRIS system doesn't
have you listed as one of these, you will not be on the list.

You can login to the CS Portal:

using your Linkblue credentials.  The left-side menu has an item "MSDNAA".
Click on it and it will tell you if you are eligible and what email address
was used.  It also has a URL to the system managing the MSDNAA downloads
(currently Dreamspark).

3. I had one at the beginning of the semester, but it now says it is expired,

Answer:  Most likely, you changed your email address in the campus system.
When the data was retrieved by the MSDNAA program, it saw the new address
and changed it on the MSDNAA system.

4. The CS Portal says my email address, but the MSDNAA site doesn't 
acknowledge it!

Answer:  There is a line at the top of the CS Portal MSDNAA screen like:
MSDNAA accounts were last updated on 2012-09-06 10:17:55

If you've changed your email address since the last load, but it was after
the date the CS Portal is showing, then MSDNAA still doesn't know about it.