Who say the Edward Smyth and Edward Hawking of Woodburrow did upon the last Lords Day being the 16th of the Instat May after diner time Travaile and goe to a place called Allcannings and there did invite severall people of Cannings aforesayd to the number of twelve persons neer there aboute who upon the Munday morning following came armed with musketts powder match and bandaleares which they brought with them to Woodburroughe and that Robert Golfe alsoe of Woodburroughe went unto Marlburroughe upon the said Lords Day to gett a drummer to head the sd leude company and aboute one a clocke that same Sunday night came away out of Marlburghe with the sd drummer to Woodburrough. And they further say that Thomas Beasant of Woodburroughe labourer did upon the sayd Lords day goe into a place called Ram Ally in the pishe of Easton and there invited and procured a fidler who came to Woodburroughe upon Munday morning following and by the instigacon of the before named partie three hundred persons or there aboutes were assembled and gathered together in a Riotous Routous Warlicke and very disorderly manner with Musketts pistolls bills swords drawne and other unlawful weapons, who upon Munday the said 17th of May did march together to the pishe of Pewsey and there very disorderly daunced the Morrice daunce and committing severall other misdemeanors there as drinkeing and Tipling in the Inn and Alehouse till many of them were drunke.
(Signed) JOHN ASHE.
Collected by the wife of a colleague of Peter Contrastano from Wiltshire, UK, county records (court records from 1652)