CS 115 Introduction to Computer Programming Course Syllabus Spring 2021

Student Evaluation

Lecture Attendance Quizzes 6%
Zybook Assignments 5%
Lab Assignments 12%
Homework Assignments 10%
Two Programming Assignments (6%, 6%)12%
Two Lab Tests (10%, 10%) 20%
Midterm Written Exam 15%
Final Written Exam (Comprehensive) 20%

The lab tests will be given during regularly scheduled lab sessions on Mondays in Zoom meetings. Check the Schedule for the dates.

The Midterm and Final written tests will be held remotely using Lockdown Browser and Respondus Monitor. The Midterm exam will be held during regular lecture class time, 11:00 am - 12:15 pm for day sections, 6:00-7:15 pm for section 401 on Thursday, March 18, 2021.

Final Exam
May 10, Monday CS 115 Night Section Final Exam 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm
May 11, Tuesday CS 115 Day Sections Final Exam 10:30 am - 12:30 pm
Final Exam Schedule Spring 2021

Grading Scale:
90-100% = A 80-89.99 = B 70-79.99 = C 60-69.99 = D below 60 = E