Due Dates

It is not acceptable to email your submission, either lab or program, unless that is specified in the assignment. Submit links, through Canvas, are provided on every assignment.

Homework Assignments

Every homework assignment will be posted on the page several days before the due date.

Late Policy for Homeworks and Zybook Textbook reading assignments

Each individual homework and Zybook assignment will have a deadline on it. usually a date at midnight. They will be accepted until 9 am the morning after for half credit. After 9 am, they are not accepted at all.

Lab Assignments

Every lab assignment will be posted on the page several days before the lab period when it will be due.

Late Policy for Labs

There is a deadline for the Labs, which will be during or the end of that lab period. Lab work will not be accepted after the end of the period.

Programming Assignments

Program assignments are in 2 parts: design/testcases and implementation. Each of these will have due dates. Designs/testcases will be accepted late until 9 am the next morning for half credit. After 9 am, they are not accepted at all.

Late Policy for Program Implementations

Implementations (source code) may be turned in late, but they lose 10 percent of the points possible per calendar day late, up to 5 calendar days late. That is, work that is one day late loses 10 percent, work that is two days late loses 20 percent, and so on. This means that weekends count as days! Programs are submitted electronically so you can submit on the weekend.

Some assignments may have bonus parts. If a program is turned in late, it is NOT eligible for any bonus points. This means if you are tempted to turn in an assignment late so you can finish the bonus, don't. The bonus will not be counted. Even if you use the "Magic Excuse" to extend your due date, the bonus will NOT be counted in that case.

Programs will not be accepted more than 5 calendar days late. This means that work turned in more than 5 calendar days after the deadline will get a grade of zero. This allows your TA to grade most of the submitted programs at the same time, increasing consistency and improving return times for assignments.

If you have an excused absence, some deadline extension will be allowed, determined by Dr. Keen. Contact her immediately.

Late assignments will not be accepted once the feedback for the work has been sent to the class!

Be advised that programming projects require time to prepare and a way to do POORLY on them is to wait to start work the evening before they are due. A program need not be fully functional to receive some credit, but we would much rather see a working program turned in a little late than one on time which does not work. A program that does not run because of errors which cause it to crash will lose substantial points. If there is only one error, it will be fixed with a penalty and then the program graded as usual. If there are multiple errors, the score for the program will not be more than half the possible points. This means you MUST test your program thoroughly! Assignments will include test cases which you can use to test your code. We will use the same test cases when grading. Python does not tell you about syntax errors in many cases until you actually run that part of the code. This is another reason to start work on your assignments early - so you will have time to run tests and ask questions before the due date! It is easy to accidently delete a character or comment out a line at the last minute. After you submit your program, check to make sure what you just turned in DOES run! YOU are responsible for making sure your program as turned in will run cleanly!

File Formats in Electronic Submissions: You need to know the difference between a text file and other types of files, like docx, pdf, rtf, pages, etc. Most of the time, the type that is acceptable in electronic submissions is a text file (which include .py files). We will explain how to generate them. The assignment will specify what format each file should be in. It is YOUR responsibility to make sure the files you turn in are in the correct format. Canvas will usually only accept files of certain types. Make sure you have the files you need and NOTHING else in your submission. When in doubt, show it to your TA or the Course Coordinator ahead of time!

If a solution for an assignment is posted onto the class web site, late work will not be accepted after that time.