Attendance Policies

Lecture Attendance
Lectures will be held on Tuesday and Thursday from 11:00 am to 12:15 pm. The Zoom meeting link is posted on Canvas. The participants will be muted at the start but you can unmute your microphone if you want to ask a question. You can also ask questions via the Chat button (text). These are usually answered during the lecture. There will be an attendance Quiz on Canvas which has a few questions about the contents of the lecture. This will be available at least by the start of the lecture; it will be due by 11:59 pm of the day the lecture takes place. The Lecture will be recorded on Zoom and posted on Canvas in the "Pages" area by the end of the day the lecture took place. It is up to you whether you come to the lecture at the time given or whether you watch the video later. There are also different older, videos posted which are shorter, usually 5 to 10 minutes long, on one topic, which you can watch also.

Lab attendance is required. Students are expected to come to class on time and stay for the whole period.

The University Faculty Senate states: (Rule V- If attendance is required by the class policies elaborated in the syllabus or serves as a criterion for a grade in a course, and if a student has excused absences in excess of one-fifth of the class contact hours for that course, a student shall have the right to petition for a "W", and the Instructor of Record may require the student to petition for a "W" or take an "I" in the course. [US: 2/9/87; RC: 11/20/87] * Here is the source of that rule. Look for Attendance and Completion of Assignments (about page 130 in the pdf).

If you miss a test or any lab period, you are responsible for contacting Dr. Keen within one week of the absence. If the absence is excused and you have documentation for the absence, credit will be give for attendance or a makeup for the missed test will be arranged without penalty. If you do not have one of the excuses below, you will lose the credit for that attendance. If you do not contact Dr. Keen within the time limit (one week), your absence will be counted as unexcused. For an unexcused absence at a test, a makeup may be allowed, with a penalty determined by Dr. Keen . This penalty can be 50% or more.

Punctuality: Students are expected to come to all classes on time and stay for the whole period. This is especially important for Lab Tests. Lab Tests end at 10 minutes until the hour. Any work turned in after that deadline will lose 10 percent out of what is possible for each minute late, based on the file's timestamp when it is submitted. Extra time will NOT be given.

Excused absences are the following:

Written documentation, a paper copy that we can keep, will be required for all excused absences.

Missed announcements, instructions, assignments, etc. due to absence will not constitute acceptable reasons for failing to meet subsequent deadlines. It is the student's responsibility to learn the content of the missed classes and to initiate arrangements with the instructor for making up the work.

NOTE: See definition of excused absences in the current edition of Student Rights and Responsibilities or on the web at No absence can be designated "excused" until documentation has been provided and verified. Absences due to minor conditions (lack of transportation, slight discomfort, conflict with an appointment, etc.) are considered unexcused, as are absences for registration or advising.