The only way to learn programming is to do programming, so this course will include several programming and lab assignments and homework for you. You will need to use your own computer for this semester. All students can download Python for free.
Please do all assignments exactly as they are assigned. Do not change the problem to something you like better. Part of the assignment is to see if you can meet the specifications as given. We also ask this to ensure the programs can be graded in a timely manner, and that the students understand the statements they are using. If you want to use something that has not been discussed in class, ask your TA or Dr. Keen first and don't be surprised if we say no. If you do use more advanced statements without permission, you will be penalized up to 75% on the program grade. See the program assignment page for more discussion of this.
The assignments are given in order to give you practice in using the concepts covered in class (lecture and readings). If you cannot figure out how to do that, you need to ASK questions! There is something you are not understanding. The assignments are NOT given to start you on a 'scavenger hunt' on the Internet!
Turn in complete assignments and programs. If you don't have an assignment finished, wait until you are ready to turn in everything you are going to do. If a partial project is turned in, it will be graded as it stands. If more of the project is turned in later on, the entire project is considered as late as the date of the last part turned in, and the entire project is subject to be regraded and to late penalties.
You do NOT have to submit a partial assignment in order to submit a full one later. We grade ONLY the last version submitted. We will NOT "piece together" your work from different versions submitted.
When you submit your work to Canvas, download it from Canvas immediately and make sure that you submitted what you meant to. Check the version, make sure the code runs correctly. This is especially important on LAB TESTS! You can submit again if you find out you made a mistake. YOU are responsible for getting the correct file turned in to Canvas by the deadline.
Save your graded work and programs and files until you get your final grade. Mistakes do happen during recording, and your copy is your proof of your grade. Do keep electronic copies of your source files, at least until you get the graded results. You will be provided with feedback and your scores in Canvas as soon as possible. Please check these and let your TA or Dr. Keen know about any discrepancies as soon as possible. Don't wait until Finals Week!