CS 115 Homework 11 Individual (Lists, Sentinel Logic)

65 Points

Due by Friday April 23, midnight

Submit your individual file with the Canvas link.

Educational goals of this lab - verify that every student can

Preparations: Watch these videos

(45 points) Individual Problem: Payroll for ACME

Problem Description

  • Sample run 1
    Payroll for ACME
    Press Enter to stop
    Enter name, comma, hours worked, comma, hourly rate: Joe, 30, 5.50
    Enter name, comma, hours worked, comma, hourly rate: Bill, 40.0,10
    Enter name, comma, hours worked, comma, hourly rate: Sam,35, 12.50
    Enter name, comma, hours worked, comma, hourly rate:
    Total Payroll $1002.50
    Employees with Paychecks
    Bill     $400.00
    Joe      $165.00
    Sam      $437.50
  • By the end of the program the list would have have been: [['Bill', 400.0], ['Joe', 165.0], ['Sam', 437.50]]
  • Sample run 2 (no employees)
    Payroll for ACME
    Press Enter to stop
    Enter name, comma, hours worked, comma, hourly rate:
    Total payroll $0.00

    (10 points) Test Cases

    Calculate the paycheck amount for each employee, and the total payroll. Place at the bottom of the file as usual.
    Description Employee, hours, rate Paychecks, Total Payroll
    Normal case Mary, 11.50,10
    Carl, 20, 20
    No employees Enter _______B._______

    (15 points) Documentation / Design

    (45 points) Implementation