Rankings of UK Scholarship

Source: 1/12/07 The Chronicle of Higher Education

2005 UnivScholarshipIndex:
2005 Faculty Scholarly Activity Index

Based on the number of published books and articles,
number of citations in journal articles, awards, honors,
& grants. (did not use ranking by departmental reputation)

All universities:
1. Harvard                   2.  Cal Tech
3. UC San Francisco          4.  MIT
5. Yale University           6.  Carnegie Melon Univ
7. Washington U, St. Louis   8.  Vanderbilt Univ
9.  Johns Hopkins Univ       10. Duke Univ
                             38. Michigan State U
38. UCLA                     38. UC Santa Barbara
41. UC Davis                 41. Univ of Kentucky
43. UC Irvine                44. U Illinois, Chicago
45. Indiana U, Bloomington   46. Boston U
47. Purdue U                 48. Rensselaer Poly Institute
49. UC Riverside             50. U Texas, Austin

Public Universities:
1.  UC San Francisco         2.  UC Berkeley
3.  U Wisconsin, Madison     4.  Univ of Washington
5.  Univ of Virginia         6.  SUNY at Stony Brook
7.  Georgia Tech             8.  U NC, Chapel Hill
9.  U Michigan, Ann Arbor    10. Penn State Univ
11. UC San Diego
12. Univ of Maryland, College Park
13. Univ of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign
14. City Univ of New York Graduate Center
15. Univ of Iowa             16. Michigan State U
17. UCLA                     18. UC Santa Barbara
19. UC Davis                 19. Univ of Kentucky

Pertinent web pages:

*http://chronicle.com/free/v53/i19/19a00801.htm (motivation)

(rank programs)

(CS rankings)