Create a Visual Studio Custom Project Template
To create a Visual Studio Custom Project Template:
1. Start Visual Studio. Create a new, empty C++ project. At the top center, under the
menu bar, there are two pull-down menus next to each other:
1.1 The one on the right allows you to specify "x86" or "x64" -- choose "x64"
1.2 The one on the left allows you to specify whether compilation is to be done in
"debug" mode or "release" mode. We want the compilation to be done in BOTH modes
(i.e., done in "debug" mode and then repeated in "release" mode).
2. In "debug" mode (and then afterward in "release" mode), go into "project properties"
and make the following changes:
2.1 Under "VC++", click on "General", then under "Include Directories" add the
"include" folder you created previously.
2.2 Under "linker", make the following two changes:
2.2.1 Click on "General", then under "Additional Dependencies", add the "lib"
folder you created previously.
2.2.2 Click on "Input", then under "Additional Dependencies", add the following
four filenames: glfw3.lib, glew32.lib, soil2-debug.lib and opengl32.lib
(this last one should already be available as part of the standard Windows
3. Now create the template by going into the "project" menu and selecting "Export
Template". Choose that this is a "project" template, and give the template a useful
name, such as "OpenGL project".