CS 535 Fall 2024
Intermediate Computer Graphics

Required/Elective: Elective

Prerequisites: CS315, CS335, (CS321)




You can either use your own computer or the computers in the Multilab to do programming
assignments for this class.
Your userid for the Multilab will be mailed to you during the first week of the semester.
If you did not get it by the end of the week, let me know, so I can send your userid to you again.

This is a Linux laboratory administered by the Computer Science Dept.

Lab Location: Hardyman Building

You may use alternative computer systems for developing and testing your work. But your
submitted work must compile and run under the proper software environment.
This course uses OpenGL to support graphics operations.


Programming Assignments (3 assignments)----- 40%
Midterm ----- 20%
Final ----- 20%
Class attendance (extra credit)----- 5%
Homework (6-8 assignments)----- 20%

* You get the attendance credit (5 points) if you miss at most two lectures the entire semester.

** Programming assignments may be done in C++.
Sample programs in C++ will be made available to you.

*** You may use ChatGPT or any GAI to help with your HW or programming assignments.


I will accept programs and homework up to two days late for a penalty of 20% (10% each day).
Programs and homework more than two days late will not be considered for a grade.

SCALE (for graduate Students):

90 -105 .... A
80 - 89 ..... B
70 - 79 ..... C
SCALE (for undergraduate Students):

86 -105 .... A
76 - 85 ..... B
66 - 75 ..... C
56 - 65 ..... D
0 - 55 ....... E


This course covers three dimensional graphics primitives such as 3D viewing, 3D data structures,
hidden line/surface illumination, illumination and shading, and more advanced topics such as ray
tracing, solid modeling, texture mappings, curves and surfaces, advanced raster graphics
architecture and algorithms, and advanced modeling techniques if time permits.

Specific skills as outcomes of the course include:

These course learning outcomes support the following program outcomes:

Plagiarism and cheating are serious academic offenses. The minimum penalty for those academic
offenses is final grade E in the course.
The university regulations pertaining to this matter can be found at
ACADEMIC RELATIONSHIPS, Section 6.3 that can be found at
(These rules in particular say:
6.3.1 PLAGIARISM All academic work, written or otherwise, submitted by students to their instructors
or other academic supervisors, is expected to be the result of their own thought, or self-expression.
In cases where students feel unsure about a question of plagiarism involving their work, they are obliged
to consult their instructors of the matter before submission.
When students submit work purporting to be their own, but which in any way borrows ideas, organization,
wording or anything else from another source without appropriate acknowledgment of the face, the
students are guilty of plagiarism.

Plagiarism includes reproducing someone else's work, whether it be published article, chapter of a book,
a paper from a friend or some file, or whatever.
Plagiarism also includes the practice of employing or allowing another person to alter or revise the work
which a student submits as his/her own, whoever that other person may be.
Students may discuss assignments among themselves or with an instructor or tutor, but when the actual work
is done, it must be done by the student and the student alone.

When a student's assignment involves research in outside resources or information, the student must carefully
acknowledge exactly what, where, and how he/she has employed them.
If the words of someone else are used, the student must put quotation marks around the passage in question and
add an appropriate indication of its origin.
Making simple changes while leaving the organization, content, and phraseology intact is plagiaristic.
However, nothing in these Rules shall apply to those ideas which are so generally and freely circulated as to be
a part of the public domain.

6.3.2 CHEATING Cheating is defined by its general usage. It includes, but is not limited to, the wrongfully
giving, taking, or presenting any information or material by a student with the intent of aiding himself/herself
or another on any academic work which is considered in any way in the determination of the final grade.
Any question of definition shall be referred to the University Appeals Board.)

I want to emphasize that in this class students are allowed to discuss ideas and are allowed to help others by
explaining concepts and possible solutions.
However, all the work that is submitted must be performed by the students individually.
Any sharing of electronic files, printouts and other materials developed by the students is not allowed.
If any fragments of text appearing in books, journals, conference proceedings, web pages, etc. are used,
students must provide appropriate citations.
Any help from others must also be acknowledged.

Consult the following links for more information on what constitutes an academic offense and
on applicable penalties:

First day of class - 8/27/2024 (Tuesday)
Last day to drop without a W or change grading option - 9/15/2024 (Sunday)
Midterm - 10/17/2024 (Tuesday)
Fall Break - 10/28/2024-10/29/2024 (Monday - Tuesday)
Thanks Giving holidays - 11/27/2024-11/30/2024 (Wednesday-Saturday)
Prep Days - 12/9/2024-12/11/2024 (Monday - Wednesday: class will meet)
Reading Days - 12/12/2024-12/13/2024 (Thursday - Friday: class will not meet)
Last day of classes - 12/10/2024 (Tuesday)
Final Exam - 12/17/2024 (Tuesday 10:30am-12:30pm)