Prepare Shared "lib" and "include" Folders

Choose a location where you would like to house the library files. It could be a
folder anywhere you prefer. For example, you could create a folder


Inside the folder, create subfolders "lib" and "include" and do the following things:

1. In the "lib" folder, place glew32.lib and glfw3.lib.

2. In the "include" folder, place the GL, GLFW, and glm folders described previously.

3. Navigate back to the SOIL2-master folder, and go into the "lib/windows" subfolder.
   Copy the "soil2-debug.lib" file into the "lib" folder (where glew32.lib and
   glfw3.lib are).

4. Navigate back to the SOIL2-master folder, then into "src". Copy the "SOIL2" folder
   into the "inlcude" folder (where GL, GLFW, and glm are). This SOIL2 folder contains
   .c and .h files for SOIL2.

5. You might find it handy to also place the "glew32.dll" file in this "OpenGLtemplace"
   folder as well, so that you'll know where to find it - although that isn't strictly
The folder structure should now look something like this:

                  - lib (glew32.lib, glfw3.lib, soil2-debug.lib)
                 |            - GL (eglew.h, glew.h, glxew.h, wglew.h)
                 |           |
                 |           |- GLFW (glfw3.h, glfw3native.h)
OpenGLtemplate  - - include -
                 |           |- glm (glm.hpp, geometric.hpp, exponential.hpp, etc ...)
                 |           |
                 |            - SOIL2 (SOIL2.c, SOIL2.h, etc ...)
                  - glew32.dll