Prepare SOIL2

To use image files to add "texture" to objects in graphics scenes, one needs to
load such image files into our C++/openGL code. It is possible to code a texture
image loader from scratch; however, given the wide variety of image file formats,
it is preferably to use a texture loading library. Some examples are FreeImage,
DevIL, OpenGL Image (GLI), and Glraw. The most commonly used openGL image loading
library is Simple OpenGL Image Loader (SOIL). The recommended texture loading
library in this class is SOIL2, an updated fork of SOIL. Installation of SOIL2
requires a tool called "premake". Use the following steps to install SOIL2.

1. Visit to download "" 
   and uncompress it. The only file in it is "premake5.exe".

2. Visit to download "" 
   (click on the drop-down menu "Code"  and then click on "Download ZIP") and
   uncompress it.

3. Copy the "premake5.exe" file into the SOIL2-master folder.

4. Open a command window, navigate to the SOIL2-master folder, and enter:

      premake5 vs20xx

   vs20xx could be vs2010 or any version higher.

5. Once the execution is done, open the newly generated "make" folder, then the
   "windows" folder. Double click SOIL2.sln.

6. If prompted by VisualStudio to upgrade libraries, do it by clicking "ok".

7. Make sure you have "x64" in the dropdown box near the top, then in the panel
   on the right, right-click on "soil2-static-lib" and select "build".

8. Close VisualStudio and navigate back to the SOIL2-master folder. You should 
   notice two new items in addition to "make".