CS 375 Spring 2025
Logic and Theory of Computing
Required/Elective: required
Prerequisites: MA113, CS215, CS275, and engineering standing
Wearing a mask is optional for this class
LOCATION: T.H. Morgan Bio Sci Bldg, Rm 116
TIME: MWF 10:00am - 10:50am
INSTRUCTOR: Dr. Fuhua (Frank) Cheng
OFFICE: Davis Marksbury Building, Rm 303
OFFICE HOURS: MWF 11:00am - 12:00pm,
and by appointment
PHONE: (859) 257-6760
E-MAIL: cheng@cs.uky.edu
Class website: http://www.cs.uky.edu/~cheng/cs375/
TEXTBOOK: Discrete Structures, Logic, and
Computability (4th Edition)
Author: James L. Hein
Publisher: Jones & Bartlett Learning
ISBN-13: 978-1284070408
ISBN-10: 1284070409
and my notes (available on the class website)
Kalista Smiley (Kalista.Smiley@uky.edu, klsm245@uky.edu)
Week 1 : Preliminaries: set algebra, relations,
functions - read Chapters 1-4
Weeks 2 - 5: Regular languages, finite automata
- Chapter 11
Weeks 6 - 8: Context-free languages, pushdown
automata - Chapter 12
Weeks 9 - 11: Turing Machines - Chapter
Week 12: Propositional logic and predicate logic - Chapters
6 & 7
Week 13: Computing with logic and algebraic structures - Chapters
9 & 10
There will be 8-10 homework assignments.
Homework assignments will be posted on the
class website, due dates are printed on the assignments.
Not all the homework grades are used in the computation of your final grade.
The worst
homework grade will be dropped, only the remaining better ones will be used
to compute
your final grade.
Homework assignments should be submitted to Canvas both as a pdf file and a
doc file on or before the date due. Submission deadlines will be strictly enforced.
You may use ChatGPT or any GAI to help with your
HW assignments.
All course materials will be available on the
class website.
I will use e-mail as means of communication. SEND ME
(1/17/2025) if you have not received any e-mails from me by then yet.
There will be a midterm exam and a final exam.
Final exam is not comprehensive.
The exams are closed notes/books exams.
Final grade will be based on homeworks, class attendance
record and exams, weighted as
homeworks - 40%
class attendance (extra credit) - 5%
Exams - 60% (30 each)
You get the attendance credit (5 points) if you miss at most 2 lectures in the semester.
The way attendance is checked will be announced both in class and by an email. You must
provide documentation from your health provider for any execused absence due to illness.
To compute your final grade, I use the following scale (after rounding):
A = 90 - 105
B = 80 - 89
C = 70 - 79
D = 60 - 69
E = 0 - 59
The students will develop knowledge of a variety of mathematical tools
for the design
and analysis of algorithms and computer programs. They will learn basic
models of
computation based on finite automata, grammars and Turing machines.
Basic concepts of
logic, proof construction, and reasoning with variables and quantifiers
will be reviewed
if time permits. Specific skills as outcomes of the course include:
- A fluency in the elements of automata theory, regular grammars
and regular expressions,
and their uses
- An understanding of the relationship between formal models of
computation and
modern computers
- An understanding of the relevance of logic and theory of computation
to the computer
science curriculum
- An ability to apply knowledge of computing and mathematics
appropriate to the discipline
- An ability to apply mathematical foundations, algorithmic
principles, and computer
science theory in the modeling and design of computer-based systems
in a way that
demonstrates comprehension of the tradeoffs involved in design choices
These course learning outcomes support the following program outcomes:
- Outcome (a): An ability to apply knowledge of computing and mathematics
to the discipline;
- Outcome (b): An ability to analyze a problem, and identify and define the
requirements appropriate to its solution;
- Outcome (c): An ability to design, implement and evaluate a computer-based
process, component, or program to meet desired needs;
- Outcome (j): An ability to apply mathematical foundations, algorithmic
principles, and
computer science theory in the modeling and design of computer-based systems
in a way
that demonstrates comprehension of the tradeoffs involved in design choices;
PLAGIARISM and CHEATING are serious academic
offenses. Consult the following links
for more information on what constitutes an academic offense and on
applicable penalties:cs375-syl-2022f.html
I want to emphasize that in this class students
are allowed to discuss ideas and are
allowed to help others by explaininig concepts and possible solutions.
You may use online tools such as ChatGPT to help your work if you find
it helpful.
However, all submitted work must be prepared by yourself.
Any sharing of electronic files, printouts and other materials developed
by the students is not allowed. If any fragments of text appearing in
journals, conference proceedings, web pages, etc. are used, students must
provide appropriate citations.
Any help from others must also be acknowledged.
You are not allowed to use your cell phone any time during the exams
- Important Links:
- Important Dates:
- First day of class - 1/13/2025 (Monday)
- Last day to withdraw without a W or change grading option - 2/2/2025 (Sunday)
- Midterm - 3/12/2025 (Wednesday)
- Spring break - 3/17/2025-3/22/2025 (Monday - Saturday)
- Prep Days - 4/28/2025-4/30/2025 (Monday - Wednesday: class will meet)
- Reading Days - 5/1/2025-5/2/2025 (Thursday - Friday: class will not meet)
- Last day of class - 4/30/2025 (Wednesday)
- Final Exam - 5/7/2025 (Wednesday 10:30a-12:30p)