The Ramsey number R(k,m) is the least integer n such that no matter how we color the edges of the complete graph (clique) with n vertices using two colors red and blue, there is a red clique with k vertices (a red k-clique) or a blue clique with m vertices (a blue m-clique). Ramsey numbers exist for all pairs of positive integers k and m. The problem is to decide whether an integer n satisfies n < R(k,m).
Ramsey number R(4,5). It is known that R(4,5)=25.
INPUT: A set of ground atoms "vtx(i)", i=1,2,...,n, where n is the number of vertices in the clique to be colored.
OUTPUT: a coloring of the edges with red and blue so that neither a red 4-clique nor a blue 5-clique exists. If such a coloring exists, n < R(4,5). Otherwise, R(4,5) <= n.
INPUT: A set of ground atoms "vtx(i)", i=1,2,...,n, where n is the number of vertices in the clique to be colored.
OUTPUT: a coloring of the edges with red and blue so that neither a red 3-clique nor a blue 6-clique exists. If such a coloring exists, n < R(3,6). Otherwise, R(3,6) <= n.
INPUT: A set of ground atoms "vtx(i)", i=1,2,...,n, where n is the number of vertices in the clique to be colored.
OUTPUT: a coloring of the edges with red and blue so that neither a red 3-clique nor a blue 7-clique exists. If such a coloring exists, n < R(3,7). Otherwise, R(3,7) <= n.