DES is a Boolean function that takes as input 64 bit block of plaintext and a 56 bit key and computes a 64 bit block of ciphertext:
In a known plaintext attack, a number of plaintext/ciphertext pairs
is available where the ciphertexts are all produced by the same key from
the corresponding plaintexts. The task is to find the key that was used
to generate the ciphertexts.
The difficulty of the benchmark can be adjusted in a number of ways:
INPUT: A number of plaintext and ciphertext pairs, i.e. pairs of
64 bit blocks such that for each pair the ciphertext is the DES encoding
of the plaintext using the same key k for all pairs. This key is not part
of the input.
OUTPUT: The key k (56 bit block) that was used for encryption.uced by the same key from the corresponding plaintexts. The task is to find the key that was used to generate the ciphertexts.
DES data
file (tarred)